What Is Your Favourite Colour?

What is your favourite colour?

Red! Red is my favourite colour!

Strawberries, raspberries and apples are red!

Red is my favourite colour!

What is your favourite colour?

Orange! Orange is my favourite colour!

Oranges, pumpkins and carrots are orange!

Orange is my favourite colour!

What is your favourite colour?

Yellow! Yellow is my favourite colour!

Sunflowers, lemons and bananas are yellow!

Yellow is my favourite colour!

What is your favourite colour?

Green! Green is my favourite colour!

Lettuce, cucumbers and spinach are green!

Green is my favourite colour!

What is your favourite colour?

Blue! Blue is my favourite colour!

The ocean, the sky and blueberries are blue!

Blue is my favourite colour!

What is your favourite colour?

Purple! Purple is my favourite colour!

Grapes, eggplants and aubergines are purple!

Purple is my favourite colour!

What is your favourite colour?

Pink! Pink is my favourite colour!

Watermelons, roses and flamingoes are pink!

Pink is my favourite colour!

What is your favourite colour?

Brown! Brown is my favourite colour!

Coffee, coconuts and chocolate are brown!

Brown is my favourite colour!

What colours do you like?

All of them!

These are all the colours that I like!

Red, orange, pink, yellow, green, brown, blue and purple!

These are all the colours I like!

Red, orange, pink, yellow, green, brown, blue and purple!

These are all the colours I like!