When You Were Little

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English When you were little
Translation: When you were little*

English What were you like?
Translation: What were you like?*

English Were you big?
Translation: Were you big?*

English Were you small?
Translation: Were you small?*

English What were you like?
Translation: What were you like?*

English When I was little
Translation: When I was little*

English I was…
Translation: I was…*

English Picture of a tadpole - image by brgfx on Freepik…a tadpole!
Translation: …a tadpole!*

English Then I grew up
Translation: Then I grew up*

English And now I am…
Translation: And now I am…*

English …a frog!
Translation: …a frog!*

English When he was little
Translation: When he was little*

English He was a…
Translation: He was a…*

English …tadpole!Picture of a tadpole - image by brgfx on Freepik
Translation: …tadpole!*

English Then he grew up and now he is a frog!
Translation: Then he grew up and now he is a frog!*

English When I was little
Translation: When I was little*

English I was a…
Translation: I was a…*

English …caterpillar!Picture of a caterpillar - image by user2104819 on Freepik
Translation: …caterpillar!*

English Then I grew up and now I am a butterfly!
Translation: Then I grew up and now I am a butterfly!*

English When she was little
Translation: When she was little*

English She was a…
Translation: She was a…*

English Picture of a caterpillar - image by user2104819 on Freepik…caterpillar!
Translation: …caterpillar!*

English Then she grew up and now she is a butterfly!
Translation: Then she grew up and now she is a butterfly!*

English When we were little
Translation: When we were little*

English We were small
Translation: We were small*

English Then we grew up
Translation: Then we grew up*

English And now we are big!
Translation: And now we are big!*

English When they were little
Translation: When they were little*

English They were small
Translation: They were small*

English Then they grew up
Translation: Then they grew up*

English And now they are big!
Translation: And now they are big!*


English EnglishTranslation: Translation*
I waswas*
You were You were*
•  He was
•  She was
•  It was
•  He was*
•  She was*
•  It was*
We wereWe were*
They wereThey were*
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