A few years ago, I was locked down with my darling toddler and newborn, working from home with the help of the electronic babysitter, the Wiggles.
Their cousins in Hong Kong and Italy were also locked down and missing out on English lessons, so I shared some videos to help them.
The problem is, no-one has ever said „I’m feeling incy wincy! Let’s sit on a tuffet and eat curds and whey“
So I started writing nursery rhymes like „hello, how are you, how are you today“ „What’s your name? My name is Bob.“ „How old are you?“.
40,000 downloads later, Lingosing now offers animated videos, an online platform with clickable text (for kids who can’t read), and we are preparing to launch online classes featuring our videos.
Now I play 6 instruments and speak 6 languages but I’m rubbish at marketing, and that’s where I’ve gotten stuck.
But if you’re a marketing guru, a mentor, business angel or just want to chat come talk to me.