Giro Giro Tondo (Spin Spin Around)!

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Italian Giro giro tondo
Translation: Spin spin around

Italian Casca il mondo
Translation: The world is falling

Italian Casca la terra
Translation: The Earth is falling

Italian Tutti giu per terra!
Translation: Everybody down on the ground!

Italian Giro giro tondo
Translation: Spin spin around

Italian L’angelo è biondo
Translation: The angel is blond

Italian Biondo è il grano
Translation: Blond is the wheat

Italian Tutti ci sediamo!
Translation: We all sit down!

Italian Giro giro tondo
Translation: Spin spin around

Italian Ora ti circondo
Translation: Now I surround you

Italian Come una ciambella
Translation: Like a doughnut

Italian Tutti giu per terra!
Translation: Everybody down on the ground!

Italian Giro giro tondo
Translation: Spin spin around

Italian Casca il mondo
Translation: The world is falling

Italian Casca la terra
Translation: The Earth is falling

Italian Tutti giu per terra!
Translation: Everybody down on the ground!

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