Italian songs! Let’s learn Italian through songs and nursery rhymes! Take Course Come ti chiami (What's your name)? Preview La Famiglia Dita (The Finger Family)! Preview Topolino Topoletto (The Tiny Little Mouse)! Preview Testa, spalle, ginocchia e piedi (Head, shoulders, knees and toes)! Preview Giro Giro Tondo (Spin Spin Around)! Preview Fra’ Martino campanaro (Frère Jacques/Brother Martin the Bell Ringer)! Preview Se sei felice e tu lo sai (If you're happy and you know it)! Preview L'Elefante e la Ragnatela (The Elephant and the Spider Web)! Preview Era una Casa Molto Carina (It Was a Very Nice House)! Preview I Due Liocorni (The Two Unicorns)! Preview